
Fight Those Birthday Blues Off!

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Studies have shown that, as early as the age of 18, birthday blues can appear. Several factors can contribute to a feeling of general sadness on a person’s birthday. You might be sad because you are another year older, maybe you were dissatisfied by the gifts you have received or perhaps the celebration you were expecting did not turn out how you expected it. You need not worry too much if you are having birthday blues, it’s normal! Most people celebrate…


Lip Biting: 4 Tips to Get Rid of It!

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Lip biting, nail biting, hair pulling and skin picking are some of the many strategies that the body provides for coping with anxiety, depression, panic attacks, stress and such like. These habits manifest when a person feels panicky, nervous or anxious over something that they do. It’s done unconsciously but unfortunately can become part of their way of life. Over time, they find themselves struggling to stop this habit. In lip biting, several effects can result, such as loss of moisture, chapping, broken…